Robert Maier
4 min readSep 22, 2019

Review of Tom Diventi’s book “The Baltimore Kid” and Punk’s Salad Days

Tom DiVenti was born and raised in an early 1960s working-class Baltimore City neighborhood. It was row houses, apartments and small ‘30s-40s houses on dinky city-sized lots. Most people worked in Baltimore’s industrial world, and their children of the 1950s and 60s were expected to do so too. However, young DiVenti discovered a box of old books in an aunt’s basement that led him down a treacherous literary path. That early literary immersion shape-shifted at around 12 years old into a brave, perceptive poet and artist.

Robert Maier

Robert Maier is an educator, author and filmmaker. He has made documentaries from Honolulu to Kabul, throughout Europe, and 49 of the 50 US states.